what is Depression ? How to management of depression by ayurveda?

Dr. Ramesh Mishra
Distric Ayurveda Health Centre, Lalitpur


Depression is a mood disorder that causes one to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time, more than just about of” the blues” or temporary feelings of grief or low energy. Depression can have a impact on one’s enjoyment of life, work, health, and the people you care about.
Impact of depression [manovasada]
Depressed mood
Variantion of mood during the day, often worsening in the morning and improving later in the day
Inability to enjoy activites
Changes in eating habits or appetite
Weight loss or gain
Feeling of guilt and hopelessness
Change in sleeping habits disturbed sleep, usually waking early and being unable to get back to sleep
Difficulty in going to work or taking or taking care of daily responsibilities
Slowed throughts, speech and movements
Preoccupation with thoughts of death or suicide
Somatic complaints such as headache and stomachache
Feeling of anxiety
Tearfulness for no reason
Short temper
lack of energy and constant exhaustion
Lack of concentration
Difficulty in making decisions
Negative thoughts about the future
Loss of identity
Blaming self and low self-esteem
Unrealistic sense of failure
Loneliness, even when around others
Reduced desire for sex

Management of depression (Manovasada) by ayurveda
in ayurveda depression manovasada is manage by shodhan karma and saman karma in sodhan karma siro dhara (Pouring liquied oil, butter milk, decoction on forehead as per Ayurvedic method), Shiro Abhyanga (Head massage) with medicated oil special procedures. In saman karmawe used ayurvedic medicine and medicinal plants according to patient condition.
these are the some useful ayurvedic formulation
brahmi ghrita
kalyana ghrita
these are some medicinal plant useful in depression ( Manovasada).
Ashwagandha ( Whithania somnifera)
Shatavari (asparagus recemosus)
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Vacha (Acorus calamus)
Jatamamsi (Nardostachis Jatamanasi)
Tagara ( valariana wallichi)
Madhuyashti (Glucurrhiza glabra)
Tulasi ( ocimum sanctum)

Specific Do’s (Pathya) and Don’ts (Apathya)
Do’s (Pathya)
Amalaki (Phillanthus emblica), Dadima (Pomegranate) and seasonal fruits
Light meals especially Dinner
Food like whole grams, fruits etc.
Fresh vegetables, milk and ghee
Dhyana (Meditation)
Social work
Don’ts (Apathya)
Excess non-vegetarian diet
Frequent eating and high calorie food
Unneeessary thinking.
Canned/Tinned food

Published: 24-8-2018

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